Things What I Think #3 – Priorities.

by Daniel Drumm

Okay, this is a pretty serious one. If ever I needed evidence that people (or at least the people of the UK) have their priorities WAYHEYHAAAY out of whack, here it is. Clicking to the BBC News website this afternoon, I am faced with their most read articles “chart”.

Here you can see that articles related to the death of singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse cover DOUBLE the chart positions of those regarding the recent tragedies in Norway, AND one of these is the top spot.

So let me get this straight; in the battle for people’s interest/sympathy we have…

A notorious, albeit talented drug addict, finally and predictably going the way of so many, similarly brilliant, young, talented drug addicts before her…


The worst atrocity to occur to a peace-loving nation and it’s people since at least the Second World War, but very arguably EVER, in which (so-far) 93 people have been murdered, 96 injured – most of whom were children/teens -, and at least 5 are still unaccounted for.

And Winehouse is WINNING?

I know that one chart, on one website, isn’t necessarily representative of the overall interest in those subjects mentioned, but the idea that news of Amy Winehouse’s death is evoking more interest than that of the tragedies in Norway on EVEN ONE media outlet (not to mention my entire fucking Facebook feed) really makes me question people and their priorities. I’d have thought that, were there any justice/sense in the world, news as comparatively unimportant as that wouldn’t even get noticed until the waves of shock and horror that are currently bombarding an entire nation had died down a bit. Not only is that not the case, but the death of the singer is actually MEASURING UP in column inches! Yes it was untimely and tragic and, yes she was talented, but seriously people…


